So what is new for this stalwart of the transport industry? Simply put, the corporate’s mission is to adapt and improve the conventional mould by bringing a modern, innovative approach to the company to keep Unifreight Africa Limited as the undisputed current and future leader of the local transport industry, while emerging stronger and more unified as a Group.
The Unifreight name alone has a solid seven decade history in Zimbabwe plying the national roads to ensure that freight of all sizes and descriptions is delivered safely and timeously. The essential services provided by the organisation have not changed and the team heading Unifreight Africa Limited not only has many years of experience in transport and logistics but also the local knowledge, combined with the drive and determination to make improvements in all areas using the latest tools available in the industry.
With a predominantly local transport focus, the already historically successful entities that make up Unifreight Africa Limited will introduce a new executive structure ensuring a Blue Chip style of management throughout the Group.
Rob Kuipers, Chief Executive Officer of Unifreight Africa Limited; “We will be concentrating on the synergies that each entity brings to Unifreight Africa Limited, looking at their strengths within the industry and building on these. We have a unique and exciting opportunity to take these solid foundations to new heights.”
The revised working set-up will include using the Group’s expertise and experience from within, meaning the integration of resources and shared services and thereby offering each division and company the foundations of internal support. The way we have structured Unifreight Africa Limited will ensure a seamless integration of the many different services at our disposal, carrying us forward to our ultimate end game, which is to provide a one stop transport and logistics solution to satisfy all of our customer’s needs”.
Swift Transport, the mainstay of Unifreight Africa Limited, has learned through its growth in the last few years that an innovative approach and a knowledge of the local transport industry, together with an understanding of its valued customers' needs produces definitive and positive results.
The long awaited evolution of Unifreight Africa Limited will follow this example, taking strength from seventy years of experience and developing a new progressive attitude by harnessing the combined power of the entire Group.
Unifreight Africa Limited is an “old” corporate with a young and energetic team striding into the future with determination, enthusiasm and confidence for what lies on the road ahead.