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Get all the latest news from Unifreight Africa, and our subsidiary brands, right here. As Zimbabwe's biggest Transport and Logistic Sercices Provider, we're always up to something at Unifreight Africa, be it Corporate Social Responsibility, introducing new services for your convenience, introducing new depots and much more. Read all about it in the United Voice, or browse the latest articles from Unifreight Africa, and our subsidiary brands, right here.

Mine Entra 2015

Unifreight Africa Ltd., arguably the biggest transport organisation in Zimbabwe has two of its top service brands exhibiting at this year’s Mine-Entra show, namely Swift Transport and Bulwark.

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Hello Unifreight Africa

Following the successful acquisition of Unifreight Limited's businesses by Pioneer Corporation Africa, the newly named Unifreight Africa Limited is now the listed entity on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. With a new name comes a new team who are in the process of introducing exciting and positives changes.

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#Kickback - Pangolin Update

When Swift transport pledged support to the Tikki Hywood Trust in November 2012 we never envisaged such a fulfilling journey over the years, or the hands-on role it would take in the rescuing of one of Zimbabwe’s endangered mammals, the Pangolin.

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Swift T/L Indaba 2014

On the 13th and 14th of November 2014, Swift was proud to sponsor the inaugural Transport & Logistics Indaba hosted at Wild Geese Lodge in Harare, Zimbabwe.

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Mutakuri Tobacco Transport

Fast, secure, reliable, and most importantly, affordable; Mutakuri from Swift gets your tobacco straight into town! With a $10 CASH advance per bale to get yourself there, sit back and rest easy, knowing Swift will take it from here.

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April Public Holidays Timetable

During the forthcoming April 2015 public holidays, Unifreight Africa would like to advise its valued customers of our business hours during the Easter & Independence period. Happy holidays, and if you are travelling, please drive safely.

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Tautliner Trailers For Swift

Research and Development departments should not be over looked, customers’ suggestions are key and staying in tune with trends and technology is an absolute must. Easier said than done a lot of the time, but keeping abreast of new ideas in your particular industry can make a big difference. Customers like to know that you are aware of what is out there and have knowledge about what is available; it shows you are a company that doesn’t have concrete shoes, a company that is not afraid of shelving the old and embracing the new.

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